Friday, February 4, 2011

My Fun Trip to Homeplus

The other day we drove to Homeplus, which is a big department store in Gimhae. I played in the play area inside Homeplus. In the play area they have slides, spinney things you can spin around on, a ball pit, a rock climbing wall, puzzles, and a bunch of tunnels to crawl around in. No one spoke English to me, although some people talked to me in Korean. I said “Anyeong” which means “Hi” in Korean. In Hangul (Korean writing) it looks like this “안녕.” When they said something else I couldn’t understand them, so I said “Mullayo” (몰라요) which means “I don’t know.” They gave me a funny look and then ran off and played. Nobody played with me for very long, but that’s ok because I still had lots of fun. Then my daddy came and got me and we found mommy and finished up shopping.

After we were done shopping we all were hungry, so we grabbed some snacks to share. Inside Homeplus there is a stand that sells really yummy waffles, so my mommy and I begged daddy to buy us some waffles. The waffles in Korea are different than back home. In Korea they put this fluffy white cream on half of it, and sweet apple honey syrup on the other half, and then fold it together. It is one of my favorite treats so far in Korea. My mommy got a ham and cheese crepe wrap. Mmmm mmm they were good. Then we went to Brainstorm. Brainstorm is our car. She is silver, and we can fit up to 7 people in it. We packed up our groceries and then drove back home to our apartment. I had a great day!

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