Sunday, February 13, 2011

My Awesome New Phone

Can you imagine getting a phone for free and when you are 7! Well guess what! I got a phone for free and I am 7! It all started when I went to our Korean friend’s Hey Suk’s house. While I was playing, BAM she offered me her old phone. She said “You can have my touch screen Samsung phone.” “It is really nice.” “You can watch live Korean TV, listen to radio, use the English – Korean dictionary, make video calls, play games, take pictures, and listen to mp3s and video record things.” I responded with a big “YES!!!!”  

My new phone is better than my mommy’s and daddy’s so they both really want it! I always say NO!  

We had to take it to a phone store to set it up with service. For the basic plan it costs 12,000 won (about $12) a month. The registration fee was 24,000 won (about $24). I have to pay for all outgoing phone calls I make and text I send. Korean phone companies charge in 10 second increments and a minute cost about 10 cents. I think a text cost 20 cent, but I’m not sure. It’s nice that they charge in 10 second increments since I won’t use the phone much.  Best of all is that incoming calls and texts are free!
Some Korean variety show I was watching. In Korean every phone has
 whats called DMB which allows you to watch live TV
Before we left the store, the worker gave me a piggy phone holder. It is really cute. It’s all pink and it has little cute arms and feet. It also has a cute little smiley face. I love my new phone and holder!


  1. that is so cool, Zoe! you are a lucky girl and you sure have some kind friends! have lots of fun with it!

  2. Cool phone Zoe! Mikala likes your holder too. Have fun with it!

  3. How cute. Now you don't have to wait for daddy to make a call to mamo, you can call me. What's up with the no skype. I miss you and love you much.
