Friday, February 4, 2011

Fun Times at Hapkido

I have been practicing Kuk Sool Won Hapkido for a month now. I’m doing great at it *^.^*

I used to do Karate every day after school! It was really fun, and I was halfway to my black belt when I stopped doing it to move to Korea. I missed doing Karate a lot and wanted to keep doing it when I got to Korea. However, when I got here I found out that there are no Karate places around our area, because Korea has a bunch of their own styles of martial arts. So I figured that since I am in Korea, I’d better learn a Korean style. So my daddy and I found a place that teaches Kuk Sool Won Hapkido, which is a combination of a few different traditional Korean fighting styles.

Click here to check out some cool stuff about what I will learn in Kuk Sool Won.

The instructor and other students don’t speak very much English, but there are a couple students that can speak enough to translate important things to us. Even though the instructor doesn’t speak English, he does a very good job at showing us how to do all the moves, and making sure we are doing them right.

I am by far the youngest in our class. Most of the students (except my dad, another adult, and I) are middle school and high school students. Even though they are much older than I am, I still have lots of fun with them. They run around and play with me, and let me use them as human punching bags. I am learning flips, cartwheels, high spinning kicks, breathing techniques, falling techniques, and a bunch of other fun stuff. The main thing that I am learning and practicing a lot is the basic formation called Ki Cho Hyung. Check out the video of it below.

This is the basic formation that I have to learn to go beyond a white belt. It’s really hard to do, but I know I can eventually remember it all with enough practice. I can’t wait to be able to do it all perfectly, because it is really fun to do and looks cool.


  1. Hi Zoe! first, congratulations on your new blog! it looks awesome and I would like to follow it in the future to see how you and your family are doing in Korea. you have inspired me to set up my own blog, which will coincide with our departure from Korea and starting over back home. so thanks for that!
    as for your first post, I'm thrilled to hear your story of joining Hapkido! Nicholas has been doing it for a year now and he loves it! he has made lots of new friends there and it's just great for his energy levels and to just give his day that extra structure and discipline. so good luck to you and Scott and keep up the good work!
    from Janine in Gwangyang

  2. Looks like fun Zoe, try not to hurt those older kids too badly.

  3. Janine - Thanks. We are going to try hard to update at least once a week. We look forward to checking out your blog once you get it up. You will have to send us a link so we can follow you :)
