Saturday, February 19, 2011

K-pop Dance

I have been going to dance class 5 times a week for about a month and a half. It’s really fun and I am glad I get to do it every day during the week. I was in dance in America, but I only had class once a week. So I really like how in Korea they have classes every day. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I practice ballet, on Tuesday I practice Hip-Hop, and on Thursday I practice belly dancing. I like doing Hip-Hop the most.

My school is putting on a big recital at the end of this month. I was sad when they told my daddy that I wouldn’t be able to be in the recital because I was a new student and wouldn’t have time to learn all the dances well enough. But then last week the director called my daddy and told him that she saw me doing the Hip-Hop dance and was really impressed with how well I was doing it. So now they want me to be in the recital for the Hip-Hop dance!!! I’m so excited about it. 

My daddy found the songs I am dancing to on youtube so I can practice more at home. I found out that many Korean pop songs have special dance moves that go with the song. So a lot of the dance moves I am learning for these songs are the same moves they do in the video. 

Check out the k-pop videos below and dance with me!!! 

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